Aging Unbound

May should be an exciting month for us older Americans as we celebrate the many contributions that we make to our communities. It’s a time to show the world that aging is not just about slowing down or having limitations. At Charlestown, where I live, we defy these stereotypes every day, and it’s a beautiful thing to witness.

This year’s theme for Older Americans Month is “Aging Unbound,” which perfectly captures how we live our lives here at Charlestown. We are not defined by our age or any limitations that society might impose on us. Instead, we are living our lives to the fullest, breaking down barriers and challenging misconceptions about aging.

Personally, I have been working on a project called Ageless and Able. It’s an awareness and educational project aimed at tackling ageism and ableism. Through this project, our project team hopes to show the world that we are not defined by our age or any disabilities we might have. We are still able to contribute to society in meaningful ways, and our experiences and knowledge are invaluable.

So let’s celebrate Older Americans Month and show the world how we are aging unbound. Let’s continue to defy stereotypes and show that there is so much joy, beauty, and wisdom to be gained from getting older.





