Category: Community

  • Photo in National Newsletter

    I was surprised to see my photo in the Fall newsletter of the National Federation of Democratic Women. A photo taken at Jim Marshall’s town hall meeting made it into the newsletter. See page 4.

  • Mossy Creek

    Today, we headed the the piney woods a few miles from our home for the Mossy Creek Barnyard Festival  We try and go when it comes in the spring and fall. Many of the same vendors return each year. This year we bought honey, pecans, mayhew jelly, and homemade apple blueberry bread. We enjoyed the…

  • Georgia Fair

    The Georgia National Fair started this afternoon. I helped out at the Houston County Democratic Committee Booth in the McGill Marketplace. We live in a Republican stronghold here in Middle Georgia so I was expecting some negativity. But people can be so rude just because we are Democratic. The supplies including the life-size poster of…

  • Warner Robins Politics

    We attended the forum for the Mayor and city council candidates Friday night. There are four candidates for Mayor including  the incumbent who has been mayor since 1994! Time for a change. Some questions about diversity. Turns out there are only 4 African American police officers out of a 150 member force. WR has a…

  • Women’s Equality Day

    Today, August 26, 2009, is Women’s Equality Day. This day marks the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution 89 years ago and celebrates the women’s suffrage movement that led up to the amendment’s passage. It took 42 years for women to get the vote. The bill to amend the Constitution was introduced…

  • Marshall Town Meeting

    I joined 1000  people to attend Congressman Jim Marshall’s Town Meeting. The crowd was overwhelmingly against any kind of reform. Marshall is opposed to the current bills because of the fiscal impact. A small delegation of reform supporters held up signs for the cameras before the meeting started. He answered questions for almost 3 hours.…

  • Achievement Award

    I received the Georgia AAUW Women of Achievement award at the April state convention but I was not in attendence. It was nice that I was presented the award at the Summer Leaderhip meeting held in July. It was for the work I did on revamping the state website. It is now on a WordPress…

  • AAUW Convention

    Peggy Woods-Clark, AAUW webmanager, asked me to speak at the two technology sessions during the convention. I did a 20 minute presentation on AAUW Tools: What Every State Leader Needs to Know. Peggy was the other presenter. I also participated as a panel member about tools. I covered Social Tools. It was an honor to…