Category: Life

  • House Show Ready Stress

    Our casual lifestyle has required some adjustment now that our house is for sale. We have to be “show ready” every day. That means items have to be returned to their “home,” the bed has to be made perfectly, the kitchen counter has to be clear, the pillows on the couch straightened, stray coffee cups…

  • Day Trip to Atlanta

    We took our first trip with the Middle Georgia Memory Makers on April 9. Since my birthday has been 3 days before, Dan thought it would be a nice birthday trip. The ride to Atlanta went fast when all I had to do was read or nap. We left Warner Robins at 8 a.m and…

  • Our Final Move

    After six years in Georgia, we will be making a final move to Charlestown Retirement Community in Catonsville, MD. Catonsville is the next town to Baltimore and the borders touch. We will be moving to the same retirement community as my parents. We will be in another building. We will also be an hour away…