House Under Contract

What a relief! We have a contract on our house. No more “show ready” clean up when we leave the house. No more open houses. Now the real work begins. Packing. We have some downsizing to do. Moving from 2000 square feet to 1298 square feet will require some adjustments. The hardest thing to give away? Books. They represent what I want to do. I know I won’t read some titles anytime soon. There are libraries in Baltimore. I can find them again. I can even download books with the Kindle App.

But books represent something more. Books represent the person I could become if I read certain titles and took the ideas to heart. They represent the culture I hope to understand and appreciate. They represent knowledge. So many things. But they must go. Do you realize how many pounds boxes of books add to the mover’s estimate. Besides, we won’t have the space. We have done this before. Our Houston Peach AAUW Branch benefits with our book donations.



