• Going Home Again

    Going Home Again

    It’s been two years since we visited Minnesota and North Dakota. The 2014 trip was for a funeral so we only stayed a few days. This time we are taking three weeks to see our families and friends. It is always nice to talk “Minnesotian” again. We tried an AirBNB listing having an entire house or…

  • Stop Ageism Now

    I am so tired of being called sweetie or honey because I have gray hair. Yes, I know “hon” is a name of endearment here in Baltimore. If you know me, most people will not describe me as sweet. Do you notice their voice takes on a different tone? I notice. What we are dealing…

  • Happiness is…

    I am a lifelong learner. It doesn’t mean I am taking college courses although I have in retirement. It means I like to pursue knowledge on a variety of topics and in a variety of ways. Fortunately, I don’t have to leave home to attend classes. The Elderhostel’s Lifelong Learning Institute at Charlestown  or ELLIC…

  • Beacon Newspaper Features Bloggers (Me)

    I didn’t make the front page but I am included in an article about senior bloggers. Mel Tansill, Erickson Living PR manager gave the reporter my name. I had forgotten how long I have been blogging counting our Westy Travels blog started in 2003. The article starts on the front page but continues on page…

  • Field of Honor

    The 4th Annual Field of Honor sponsored by Hubbard Funeral Home and Charlestown started with fireworks on Friday night followed by the 5K Race/1 Mile Walk on Saturday morning. Dan and I volunteered for race registration. It was fun to see the young fit men and woman come in for their race numbers and T-Shirts.…

  • Boyle Family History

      Dan has been faithfully gathering documents, stories and photos of his ancestry since I first met him in 1980. As the years went by, he wrote about the Boyle family in Chapters. First it was the Boyle Beginnings: Ontario Antecedents. He sent that document off to the relatives with the Christmas Letter. In 1989,…

  • Living in Community

    What can a Benedictine monk tell us about living in community.  A lot, it turns out. Rev. Roman Paur, OSB, St. John’s Abbey, Collegeville, MN, was the keynote speaker at the annual meeting of five retirement communities residents’ council members on April 19.  All are  managed by Erickson Living. As the host Residents’ Council President, I…

  • Bullet Journaling

    Bullet Journaling

    I respect the bloggers that have the disciple to write weekly or even more often. Many bloggers even earn their living with monetized blogs. Not me.  I don’t blog to get more readers. I blog for fun and to “stuff” share with family and friends. This month I will tell about a new experiment in…

Adventures in Travel and Life

Got any book recommendations?