Resident Association Activities

As I reflect on this month, I realized I spend many hours working on behalf of the Maryland Continuing Care Residents Association (MaCCRA) and the National Continuing Care Residents Association (NaCCRA).

MaCCRA held the annual Legislative Day in Annapolis on February 6, 2019. This year the Charlestown Resident Council paid for the shuttle to take eight of us to Annapolis for the meeting. Barbara Brocato, MaCCRA’s legislative liaison, brought up to date on what is happening at the General Assembly.  The MaCCRA President was not able to attend due to health problems, so I helped moderate. We had over 80 residents from 12 CCRCs attend which was a record. We had many legislators stopping by to bring greetings and ask for support of the bills they were sponsoring.

I gave a talk at Miller’s Grant on the “Trends in CCRCs” on February 12. I did quite a bit of research on that speech. This was also the month I worked on the NaCCRA LifeLine newsletter. I serve as the editor so that means a meeting with the Communications Committee, getting articles written, collecting photos, and getting it to the designer and printer on a deadline.

I also repeated a program on Ageism for the Pollination Group here at Charlestown. I was a substitute for the January speaker and since there was not much of a crowd that night, it was repeated again. The meeting started with the TED talk by Ashton Applewhite on “Lets’s End Ageism.”

My involvement continued with preparing the election information and ballot for the NaCCRA election and in organizing the first NaCCRA webinar on Actuarial Studies with A.V. Powell. An I am retired?





